Posts tagged ‘home decorating’

It was meant to be: Thrifting Thursdays (almost)

My love and I, we are united at last.

It's love

There was a minor cosmetic surgery when this moved in – the orange knobs were removed and replaced with these great knobs I found at Lowe’s that look like old ceramic, handpainted knobs. (Actually old would have been even better)

Please ignore the blurriness, my good camera was out of charge.

Filled with my fabric and sewing supplies. I need to organize the fabric and refold the messy pieces, but I wasn’t feeling nearly that organized tonight.

Oooh ... all the fabric in one place

Although I still need to work on the organization inside, I am trying to incorporate soem old containers to hold sewing supplies. My favorite is the antique ice bucket.

Also, not sure how old the cabinet is but it is lined with this amazing contact paper that looks like it’s straight out of the 60s – funky fruits and veggies in blue, lime green, and muted brown. It’s pretty awesome. A smart person would have remembered to take a photo before loading it with craft supplies.

Can you tell a lot of my sewing is for baby gifts? (Pink and blue thread :))

United and it feels so good.

(For more vintage fun, vist here)

July 21, 2010 at 9:36 pm 12 comments

It was love, and then it wasn’t, and then … it might be?

Browsing Craigslist is a dangerous thing. And I don’t mean because of the Craigslist killer, or the creepy personal ads …

I mean because of the furniture section, and how I easily fall in love with wood furniture and chairs. Ask Matt – I fall hard.

It always starts out innocently enough: “I’m just browsing because I’m bored. Clearly I won’t buy anything, our house doesn’t need more furniture. We don’t have any space. Well, surely, except, maybe if we sold this piece or gave away that piece. It would be nice to have a piece of furniture for all of my fabric, instead of just plastic bins. And wouldn’t it be nice if it was turquoise, like the rest of our house? With glass doors so you could see the beautiful folded fabric? And vintage and unique, and cheap? And oh, I don’t know, maybe JUST LIKE THIS:

Heavenly (except for those orange knobs, but even I can change those!). Swoon-inducing. Twitterpating. Love.

I text the owner something along the lines of: OMG I am in love with your cabinet please tell me it’s for sale please please please. OK, maybe a little less creepy than that.

She texts back: Sorry, someone is already interested. They are coming by on Monday. I text back: I can come today (Saturday). I will pay full price. I LOVE it. I don’t want to paint it. It belongs HERE. I promise I will treat it well.

She texts back: Sorry, they get first dibs. I will let you know if they don’t show.


And then. Oh and then. As I am ready to leave for work today, a text: If you are still interested in the cabinet, it is still available. Let me know.


Yes, yes, of course I am still interested! But then she wants it to be picked up during the day, and one minor detail – I work 2 hours drive away during the day. Frantic text messaging. I will come on the weekend. I will come at night. I will come during the day on Wednesday and take time off.

So far, no response. The stink of desperation exudes from my texts.

Love, it’s a b*tch.

July 19, 2010 at 7:37 pm Leave a comment

Things that make me happy (future home edition)

You know those weeks where nothing goes right? Where several pieces of bad news hit you all at once? Yeah, it’s been one of those. Things could be a lot worse but by Thursday I was thinking about the children’s book about the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.

But of course, things could always be worse. And I need to refocus energy on happier things. Frivolous things. One of those things is imagining little details of my dream home someday in the future.

Detail one:

A greenhouse. Small enough to be cozy, big enough to be useful, and also needs to include a place to sit and lounge and smell the flowers and soak up the sun.

Some good examples:

Yes, a beautiful greenhouse, to go in a beautiful, 1/4 – 1/2 acre garden.

Oh yes, my next garden. There are grand plans. Similar to the choices for the garden at this house, there will be a lot of local plants, heirloom vegetables, and perennials that attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. A larger emphasis on good cutting flowers. Ideally an arrangement of several squares of different gardens, with a big fountain in the center. I also want two little nooks in the garden – one with a patio table large enough to throw a party at, with a firepit. And another much more intimate nook with a small table and a comfortable chair for reading, lounging, waking up in the morning. Doesn’t that sound heavenly?

While we are dreaming about future home design, I must say one of the reasons I knew my husband was the man for me is that we both agree a library is a must in our future. Neither one of us believes in getting rid of books, no matter if we will ever read them again. We both dream of a room dedicated to books, with tall bookcases complete with ladders in beautiful dark wood, with light-colored upholstered overstuffed chairs and ottomans to fall into and while away a rainy afternoon in a good book. Trying to find inspiration pictures was impossible. Most libraries are too modern or too stuffy. I want a library that’s a mix of cottage style and an old lawyer’s library, if that makes any sense. Swoon.

Lastly, I’d wish for a craft room filled with vintage cupboards filled with all of my fabric, and beautiful quilts hanging on the wall, and solid wood huge tables that can withstand years of abuse.

What about you? What details would be in your dream house?

July 16, 2010 at 4:31 pm Leave a comment

Thrifting Thursdays – Bargain Birdies. Oooh, alliteration.

Today’s Thrifting Thursdays find takes the cake for cheapness, and was one of my first buys after I purchased this house.

These little bird cards were found at an antique mall for 25 cents a piece. I picked out 7 of my favorites, and framed them in cheapo glass with no framed edges found on Target’s clearance shelves for $1 a piece. So, the main focal point of my living room cost $8.75.

Flanked by a beautiful fan my mom brought home from a trip to China

April 15, 2010 at 6:07 am 6 comments

Thrifting Thursdays

Posting two similar thrifting finds in succession may lead you to believe I have a bigger collection than I do, but this is another of my favorite thrift store finds, for under $5.

This lovely lady resides next to my husband’s side of the bed, because I’m pretty much the coolest wife ever. (Or, because I think it’s cute. You be the judge. :))

For more fun vintage finds, visit

April 8, 2010 at 6:02 am 6 comments

Thrifting Thursdays – a little birdie

To be honest, I’ve had this so long I don’t remember exactly where I got it. I do remember that I paid less than $3 for this tiny treasure. I love birds and decorating with birds, and we have framed bird items all over the house. So when I saw this petite version, in this darling frame, I couldn’t resist. For more thrifting and vintage fun, visit here:

For size comparison

April 1, 2010 at 5:27 am 9 comments

Thrifting Thursdays

Today’s Thrifting Thursdays features one of my favorite bedroom decorations – these beautiful mirrored sconces found for $5 a piece at the Rusty Chandelier, the world’s best vintage decorating store found right in St. Joe, Mo. Check out more beautiful vintage things here.

These beauties are on either side of the main windows in our bedroom, which is also on either side of our bed. Can you get more romantic than mirrors, candles, and that ornate iron work?

March 18, 2010 at 6:28 am 10 comments

Thrifting Thursdays

Welcome to the second edition of Thrifting Thursdays, which showcases random affordable decorating finds from around our house. This is a 2-parter – our livingroom coffee table.

I found this coffeetable at a garage sale in Kansas City. It was marked for $60, and I had $17. It was the end of the day, and after some aggressive haggling, a very disappointed homeowner relented and this table has happily lived with me for a few years now.

It was originally in perfect condition, though since has served as the base for many painting projects (that some spare, beautiful bird fabric conveniently covers).

On top of the coffee table are a couple of things of note. The coasters were made by a glass artist in a small gallery between Boulder and Estes Park, that we stumbled on during our honeymoon.

The tray in the middle of the coffee table is another fabulous thrifting find, for $3, at the Jesse James Antique Mall in St. Joseph. A fabulous antique mall, if you are ever in the area. The store next to it – The Rusty Chandelier – is my favorite store in St. Joe.

A great candle tray

The candles were a bargain, too, purchased at huge clearance at Pier 1 for 50 cents a piece

March 4, 2010 at 6:54 am 3 comments

Reversible table runner how to

Finished project

I have been anxious to make a tablerunner for our coffee table, which may or may not have some paint splatters on it. *Ahem*

I made a very simple one that is a great use of fat quarters in your stash – I used 5 fat quarters for the front, the remnants of those 5 fat quarters and scraps from my stash for the back.

Here, a step by step guide.

1. Choose 5 fat quarters that have a complementary theme. Iron fabric.

2. From each fat quarter, cut 3 4-inch by 18-inch strips.

3. Lay strips by color side by side. Grab one strip from each pile. This is your first set. For the next set, start with the second pile in and grab five, making the first strip be your last. For your third set, pick the strip from the third pile to start your pile. So your piles will be in this order: 1,2,3,4,5; 2,3,4,5,1; 3,4,5,1,2.

4. Sew the five strips in your new piles together. Spread seams open, iron flat. You should have three sets when you are done, measuring about 18X18 inches after seam allowances.

5. Cut 4 inch wide strips from fabric (in the direction that will make 4X4 inch blocks of 5 colors, all sewn together). You should be able to cut 4 from each of the 3 panels, leaving 12 strips and small scraps of fabric at the end.

Cut strips will look like this.

6. Pick a pattern to make with these strips. For our table runner, I did 1,2,3,2,1,2,3,2,1. This left me with three strips leftover, which I used on the back. More on this later.

Sew strips together. Open seams, press flat.

7. From leftover fat quarters, create border. For the skinny edges, I cut 2 strips that are 4 inches by 18 inches, 1 each from 2 of the remaining fat quarters. This made the long side 39 inches long, so I cut 13.5 inch X 4 inch strips from the 3 remaining fat quarters, 2 from each colors. I staggered the colors for the edge so that the same fabrics weren’t right across from each other. Sew on sides, open seams, press flat.

Your top is done!

8. Make your backing. For the back, I pieced leftover strips and leftover scraps of fabric until I created a top that measured the same size. For a less time consuming alternative, you can just do one solid fabric backing. If you choose to piece as you go, then you have a reversible table runner.

Randomly pieced backing

9. Place right sides together of both front and back, pin together. Sew around all 4 sides, leaving three inches unsewn in order to turn right side out.

10. Fold in edges of remaining three inches, sew shut either by hand or machine. Sew around the runner 1/2 inch in from the edge to finish. And you’re done!

Finished backing

With table decorations

Reversible back with table decorations

February 26, 2010 at 7:54 am 1 comment

Thrifting Thursdays

One of my favorite loves is going to flea markets and antique stores. So, I am introducing a new feature called Thrifting Thursdays that will contain, at least to start, treasures in our house found at flea markets, antique stores, relatives’ homes, garage sales.

To start, chairs. I showed a few when showing my creative space. I love colorful, funky, individual chairs. I would fill our house with all chairs if possible. If it’s in great shape, slightly vintage, and has funky fabric – I’m sold. It also has to cost under $75. Our whole house has been decorated for a ridiculously small price, and spending more than that at a flea market violates my ideals. 🙂

Please ignore the laptop cords in the corner. I love this chair and it was a steal at $40. I love the carved legs, and the oversized pattern. I found this at Revival, a fantastic furniture consignment/new furniture store in Kansas City. (I only go to look at the consignment pieces) Unfortunately, my favorite branch of Revival, that used to be on 75th and Metcalf, closed. It had funkier, more affordable pieces. However, there is still a great store located on Metcalf, just north of 95th street. It’s worth a drive if you’re looking for something unique and affordable.

What great thrifting finds have you found? Check out this Web site to see others who are finding amazing things, too: Colorado Lady.

February 25, 2010 at 6:45 am 11 comments

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About me

My name is Mallory Murray and I have a love of all things oldfashioned. I'm a modern day feminist who also adores Martha Stewart. Read on for my sewing, crochet, cooking, gardening, quilting and crafting projects. I am the chief officer of marketing and design at Northwest Missouri State University, so expect the occasional random post about marketing/universities/design. I dream of a hobby farm with baby doll sheep, a sheep dog, a small flock of chickens, and other animals to be announced. I'm also a Pitt State grad, football lover, HGTV addict and obsessed with the color aqua.

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